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Linja tal-Produzzjoni tal-Ilma Pura tal-Qtugħ tal-COMARK

Ħin: 2024-08-03

In a time when only the most pristine water will do, Comark Machinery responds with its cutting-edge Pure Water Production line. This revolutionary line sets a new standard for efficiency, quality, and reliability in the water bottling industry.

The Heart of Purity

Designed to produce water that meets the highest purity levels, COMARK’s Pure Water Production Line ensures all parts are made from top-grade stainless steel so that there is no contamination during production. The use of contact parts and tanks which are grade 304/316 stainless steel guarantees protection against external impurities giving consumers safe clean drinking water assurance.

Redefining Efficiency

The QGF-150 to QGF-1200 models can fill up to 1200 bottles per hour. Labor costs decrease because only two workers are needed for operation and filling times can be controlled accurately by a PLC system ensuring waste-free service with every filled bottle being just perfect.

Impenn Għall-Kwalità

Testament to its commitment towards quality is Comark Machinery’s Pure Water Production Line. The main electrical components come from reputable manufacturers such as SIEMENS or OMRON while imported AIRTAC products increase reliability further enhancing pneumatic systems precision within lines used in this process. A cap sterilization unit measuring 1.2 meters long uses sterile waters ensuring disinfected caps before they are applied on bottled drinks providing an extra layer of safety to the bottling procedure.

Small Footprint Big Impact

Although highly efficient it doesn’t take much space at all – indeed COMARK's Pure Water Production Line has been designed as compactly as possible giving you more room elsewhere in your facility than ever thought feasible! Ideal for maximizing cramped production floor areas, washing filling capping functions have all been combined into one single unit.


Comark Machinery's Pure Water Production Line isn’t just another piece of equipment; it’s an entire solution that simplifies how we bottle our drinks! With superior design features and advanced technology coupled together by unwavering dedication towards quality assurance them leaders in this field where water production lines evolve into something greater than life itself!! Choose Comark machinery today if you want hydration efficiency like never seen before!

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